Access Maternity
A Pip Disabled Mum Disability Inclusion Project
I’m really excited to make a start on our newest project for 2021.
This project is so important for disability inclusion and equality, because at the moment, people with a disability face barriers others don’t face and a lot of discrimination when it comes to starting a family.
The Pip Disabled Mum project ‘Access to Maternity’
will see a team of volunteers with disabilities come together to:
⭐️ Provide training to health professionals
* Disability Awareness
* Introduction to Neurodiversity
* BSL Signs - Labour & Delivery
* Introduction to Learning Difficulties
* Making Adaptions to equipment
* Personal Care Plans & Reasonable Adaptions
⭐️ A Care pathway for new & expectant parents that identify as neurodiverse or having a disability on first contact with maternity services.
⭐️ An Access Guide
‘A Disabled Mum’s Access Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond’
Which will be written as a first person experience with other collaborating parents with disabilities, mental health conditions, learning difficulties, health conditions or neurodiversity. It is also set to have selections written by health professionals with a disability.
⭐️ Inclusive Literature
Access to Maternity, although primarily a disability inclusion project, aims to promote full inclusion regardless of gender, race or religion.