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Access Maternity

A Pip Disabled Mum Disability Inclusion Project

I’m really excited to make a start on our newest project for 2021. 

This project is so important for disability inclusion and equality, because at the moment, people with a disability face barriers others don’t face and a lot of discrimination when it comes to starting a family. 


The Pip Disabled Mum  project ‘Access to Maternity’
will see a team of volunteers with disabilities come together to:


⭐️ Provide training to health professionals 

* Disability Awareness

* Introduction to Neurodiversity 

* BSL Signs - Labour & Delivery 

* Introduction to Learning Difficulties 

* Making Adaptions to equipment

* Personal Care Plans & Reasonable Adaptions


⭐️ A Care pathway for new & expectant parents that identify as neurodiverse or having a disability on first contact with maternity services. 


⭐️ An Access Guide 

‘A Disabled Mum’s Access Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond’ 

Which will be written as a first person experience with other collaborating parents with disabilities, mental health conditions, learning difficulties, health conditions or neurodiversity. It is also set to have selections written by health professionals with a disability. 

⭐️ Inclusive Literature 

Access to Maternity, although primarily a disability inclusion project, aims to promote full inclusion regardless of gender, race or religion. 

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Questionnaire 1

Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Experience

Please fill in as many questions as you can truthfully. This questionnaire was written by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. We will build the 'Access to Maternity' project on the experiences of people who have used he services.

Your name and personal details will not be shared with health services.



1 - Personal Details

2 - About You

3 - Rate your experience
4 - You Experience
5 - Physical Access 
6 - Improvements & what went well.

There will be more questionnaires added over the next few months for different conditions and disabilities, you may be contacted when these are online if they match the disability or health condition that you identified yourself as having.

Maternity Voices Partnerships

Maternity Voices
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