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Help. Support & Care Jobs

Join NOW!

To access pages of this website, you'll need a membership.

Tees Valley Families - Free Basic Membership
Available to all
families impacted by disability living within the Tees Valley Area, this basic membership is all you'll need to access free mini projects that are grant funded. Some projects may only apply to certain council areas, depending where the funding comes from.

Village Membership - £1 per week Enhanced Membership
Village membership is currently available to 50 families living within the Tees Valley. Village membership is an online trial community of families impacted by disability, working together to support each other, make friends and boost mental health.  This £1 weekly membership helps me with the cost of hosting this website, the cost of the Pip Disabled Mum Helpline and other related costs. 

Village Volunteers Membership - FREE Enhanced Membership
Village members that choose to volunteer receive a free membership. 
There's volunteering roles for any member who would like one, from helping with projects, to running zoom support groups, blog writing to forum moderation. Volunteering helps support our online community and all the member families.  We believe every person can volunteer if given the right support, tools and encouragement and so we value every members contribution. We put equity over equality to ensure our village is inclusive and volunteers have the perfect role for their skills and interests. 
Village members can find Volunteer Roles in the Village Communication Forum.

Home: Welcome

Pip & Harrison's Hub

Choose a Membership Plan:

Village Membership is only available when there is space within the village.
(usually when a household moves to free Volunteers Membership, when a household leaves the village or when we have space due to expansion.)

  • Village Membership

    Every week
    Village Membership - £1 per week Enhanced Membership
    • Open to 50 families living within the Tees Valley Area
    • Helps Pip with the cost of hosting the website, Helpline ect
    • After 8 weeks membership become a VIP Member.
    • VIP members receive personal gifts from Pip each year.
  • Tees Valley Families

    Notified free community projects via email (General Public)
    Free Plan
    • Gives access to General Public Application Forms
    • Take part in localised community Projects
    • Apply for a Free Christmas Elf Visit (Postcode Dependant)
    • Receive Email Notification about Free Community Projects
    • Receive Emails on the latest Online Village News
  • Village Membership

    Every month
    Village Membership - £4.33 per month Enhanced Membership
    • Access all the private Pip Disabled Mum content.
    • Open to 50 families within the Tees Valley Area
    • Helps Pip with the cost of hosting the website, helpline ect
    • After 8 weeks membership, become a VIP Member
    • VIP members receive personal gifts from Pip each year

Our community projects are all designed for families impacted by disability, mental health conditions, long term health conditions, terminal illness and neurodiversity.

Home: Subscribe
Christmas Elves.jpg



Paypay Donate Now.PNG

Donate to help a family in crisis, fund projects or community support.

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”;

I am here to do just that.
Disability doesn’t mean you cant work, volunteer,
have a family, have friends or achieve amazing things!
Having a disability and numerous health conditions
means my life may be a little different to yours, but just
as effective!
So, sit back, relax, and join our online village!

We design volunteer roles for our volunteers, choosing equity over equality - so everyone has the tools and support they need to shine! In this village, no person or family is left behind !



Membership Plans


Join Village
Home: Contact
Would you like to become a village member? 

Please fill out this form and an invitation email will be sent to invite you to sign up when space becomes available.

Thanks for submitting!
Please allow time for contact, we plan expansion when more families volunteer, and are hoping to expand again soon.

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